ACC Registered Rongoā Māori Practitioners
For ACC claims contact ACC, request Rongoā Māori treatment with me and quote my vendor number VBG865.
Rongoā Māori is traditional healing comprises many different techniques including rongoā wai rākau (native flora herbal preparations and foraging), and karakia (prayer).
You can either choose from the list of Rongoā Māori Practitioner's below or you can book an appointment with me.

You must have a covered injury with ACC
If support for your injury is covered by ACC, you can request rongoā Māori as part of your rehabilitation. Request this through the ACC recovery team member who's managing your claim, or contact us:
Phone 0800 101 996
Email claims@acc.co.nz
Or through our online service MyACC:

Before ACC accept your claim
If you want to access rongoā Māori services before ACC accept your claim, you'll have to pay for it yourself.
If you haven't made a claim for your injury yet, call ACC Claims Helpline:
Phone 0800 101 996
You can also visit your GP, physiotherapist, or other health professional. They'll make a ACC claim for you.

Using an ACC registered rongoā Māori practitioner
Find an ACC registered rongoā Māori practitioner near you
How ACC pay for rongoā Māori
ACC pay for rongoā Māori under the social rehabilitation category, which is separate from treatment. Register with ACC
CANCELLATION POLICY: 48 hours' notice is required