Hiwa- i-te-Rangi is the Māori wishing star and speaks to our hopes and desires for whānau and the upcoming New Year. Matariki is a space in which we can reflect and refresh. Our corporate team embodies and embraces these concepts of continuous learning and development.
"E tū Hiwa-i-te-rangi Ko ngā manako nui Kia puta ai ko ngā wawata Ki te whaiao, ki te ao mārama Koia! Behold Hiwa-i-te-rangi Of the many desires Bring forth our wishes And make them come true Indeed!
Meet the team:
Cherene Neilson-Hornblow
Ko Ngāpuhi raua ko Ngāti Porou a Registered Comprehensive Nurse, Pou Whakahaere and owner private practice. ACC Registered Rongoā Māori Practitioner
Tracey Heemi
Ko Maungapōhatu te maunga, Ko Tauranga te awa, Ngai Tuhoe me Te Aupōuri ōku iwi, Ko Piripari me Potahi ōku marae. I work as a Customer Services Agent.
Shane Bidois
Ko Ngāti Rangiwewehi raua ko Ngāti Ranginui current position as Support Worker Rangatahi with mental disabilities in the community and previously worked as a Governance Risk and Assurance Consultant.
Cheryl Robilliard
Ko Tangata Tiriti a Registered Landscape Architect.

Corporate Workshops
“Titiro whakamuri, Kia matarā ki nāianei, E ora ai ngā whakaheke”
"Look to our past, be vigilant in our present, so that future generations may thrive!"
Our eclectic team through their various different backgrounds provides support to HĀ Healing hub by assisting with Rongoā Māori corporate workshops. It is through our intentions that we holistically inform, educate and nurture understanding of wellbeing. The whakataukī above reflects our vision ensuring the past, present and future protection of rongoā Māori for future generations of mokopuna Māori as the spiritual ancestral healing knowledge is inherent within Māori indigenous. Our intention and values are about aroha, whānaungatanga, healing and innovation.
We can tailor workshops that integrate Te Ao Māori, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Kawawhakaruruhau design practices to guide and teach you and your whānau or team through many different areas which incorporates Rongoā Māori, tikanga Māori and Kaitiakitanga. We wananga, kanohi ki te kanohi consultation, pūrākau, mauri tau me te māramatanga, maramataka and provide samples of seasonal rongoā products based on the planting of solstice and equinox
Spring - Koanga - Te Wha Mahuru
Summer - Raumati - Te Marua Roa
Autumn - Ngahuru - Poutu te Rangi
Winter - Takurua / Hōtoke - Hikumutu
We invite all sectors, teams or individuals be they government, NGO, iwi, hapū or private sector. Our diverse team have worked in a variety of sectors including health, leadership and environment.
If you are looking for specific training, solutions or professional development, our ropū are able to help with (but not limited to)
Workshops tailored to the needs of the workers and workplace. Immersed in Rongoā Māori, Te Ao Māori, te Taiao, hauora, maramataka mātauranga providing a space for you to reclaim your natural birthright through whakapapa and connection to your ancestral pathway.
Informing cultural ways of managing your wellbeing by reviewing challenges and issues to taha hinengaro, taha tinana, taha wairuatanga and taha whānau.
Cultural consultation and assessment based on your identified needs of hauora. Through hohou i te rongo, ancestral mātauranga and maramataka. Creation, Io mātua, Papatūānuku, Ranginui and genealogy of Tāne and the forest.
Connection through ancient wisdom and new science of body, mind, spiritual energy work supporting each person's specific needs.
HĀ healing hub provides cultural, clinical, professional supervision, including peer mentoring and practice development that helps to ensure ethical, quality service provision with outcomes which provide better outcomes for service users, better professional relationships and awareness and understanding of own practice.