HĀ Rongoā Māori
Enjoy homemade sacred indigenous blends of Rongoā Māori in Yilin bamboo frosted glassware technology. These products are specifically designed for reconnection, revitalization, nourishing skin, pain relief and relaxation of hinengaro, tinana and wairua wellbeing.
HĀ supports wairuatanga, feminine energy and balance, engages foraging and educates you to understand human biological influences through the use of these pure and natural products which aid in providing relief from aches, pain, discomfort, coughs, colds in your body systems, functions and organs.
Recycle your glassware with a refill and get $5 off. Pick up free or include postage & handling dependent on order $5-10
Kawakawa & Lavender Pani
A luxurious popular moisturizing pani, blended to provide Aroha and Awhi comfort, relief and reconnection. Multipurpose pani used for facial, body and feet. Antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Tohutaka-ingrediants: Kawakawa & Lavender award winning, shea butter, grapeseed oil, color, beeswax
100 grams - $40.00
Rimu & Pineapple Sage Pani
Anxiolytic and antidepressant pani rub. Assists with calming and relaxing hinengaro, whakaaro, tinana and wairuatanga. Rimu supports healthy skin & aids digestion. Pineapple sage calms and is anti-inflammatory. Helps to reduce stressors, anxiety by massaging into face and scalp.
Tohutaka-ingrediants: Rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum) & Pineapple sage, shea butter, grapeseed oil, colour, beeswax.
Whakatūpato -Precaution Pregnant or breastfeeding wahine should avoid the use of Pineapple sage. It may interact with sedative medications and also cause sleepiness. Any medical condition or prescribed medications, please consult medical advice prior to use.
100 grams - $40.00
Kawakawa Body Creme
Deeply nourishing, natural and silky smooth is formulated to soothe dry, itchy, irritated eczema prone skin leaving your skin feeling soft and intensely moisturized. Apply body creme by gently massaging into your skin for eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis, rich anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and antiseptic compounds for burns, scrapes, rash and dry skin.
Tohutaka: Kawakawa (macropiper excelsum, shea butter, colour, coconut emulsifying wax, kawakawa hydrosol, natural honey and gemmel
100 grams - $40.00
Kohekohe & Lavender Violet
Kohekohe & Lavender Violet works with our feminine balance, wharetangata, Ikura, PMS menstruation, menopause, ruahinetanga. Kohekohe can also help with weight loss and coughs and colds - Kohekohe clears out the lungs.
Tohutaka-ingrediants: Kohekohe (Dysoxylum spectabile) & Lavender Violet, shea butter, extra light olive oil, colour, beeswax.
Whakatūpato -Precaution
Pregnant or breastfeeding wahine should avoid use. Any medical condition or prescribed medications, please consult medical advice prior to use.
100 grams - $40.00
Tūpākihi or Tutu Pani
Tūpākihi is used for pain relief - a powerful Māori rongoā traditionally used to knit together broken bones and hairline fractures. Tūpākihi works effectively and rapidly to relieve deep bone and muscular pain -arthritis, muscle, tendon and nerve pain, bruising, sharp pains, varicose veins, gout, rheumatism & more
Tohutaka-ingrediants: Tūpākihi (Coriaria arborea) & kereru focus and invigorate- rosemary, basil, lemon, spearmint, eucalyptus, lime, shea butter, grapeseed oil, colour, beeswax.
Whakatūpato -Precaution
Tūpākihi is a poisonous plant- please wash hands thoroughly after use.
Pregnant or breastfeeding wahine should avoid the use of Tūpākihi. Avoid applying to broken or irritated skin. Do not ingest. Any medical condition or prescribed medications, please consult medical advice prior to use.
100 grams - $40.00
Whakawātea Wai
Lavender soothes, calms and provides relaxation. Kawakawa cleanses and purifies wairua, healing, shifts energy. Tarata uplift, energy, strong lemon scented.
Whakawātea wai cleansing energy mist infused 100% with spring water. Spray over and above your body. Used for uplifting and healing energy, to cleanse and purify āhua and sacred spaces in your home or work environment. External use only.
Tohutaka-ingrediants: 100% pure, natural hydrosol distilled wai, Lavender, Kawakawa, Tarata.
120ml - $25.00
Kohekohe -feminine balance assists with PMS, menopause, menstruation, whare tangata and ruahinetanga.
Tātāramoa- Soothes and calming, aids as a relaxant and improves sleep hygiene.
JinTing kūmarahou - provides relief from cold and flu assists liver and kidney function and supports your body to naturally detox.
Nettle -high vitamin sourced versatile plant contains natural histamine, decongestant and reduces excess mucus conditions
Tohutaka-ingrediants: Rau and alcohol infused 6 weeks into vodka and or gin.
Whakatūpato - Precaution
Avoid during pregnancy or breastfeeding, if you have medical condition or take prescribed medications, please consult medical advice prior to use.
30 ml - $25.00
Recycle with a refill -get $2 off
Essential Oils
Mānuka & Patchouli- Used as a scent mix of earthy, woody, sweet, musky and cedarwood
Kanuka & Neroli- Used as a scent, fresh, flora, citrusy and green aroma
20mls - $10.00
Recycle with a refill - get $2 off
Rongoā Tī
Special blends are available on request Kohekohe, Tātarāmoa, Kauri, Tarata, Red Matipo, Kawakawa, Rimu
Mōwai - Reduces Anxiety & Stress and provides connection, loaded with vitamin, mineral improving health.
Kawa & Mexican Sage - blends focusing on calming and resting inner body, mind and spirit.
Tohutaka-ingrediants: Kawakawa & pineapple sage, Kawa & Mexican Sage
Whakatūpato -Precaution
Avoid Pineapple sage and Kohekohe during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Red Matipo lowers blood pressure if you have medical condition or take prescribed medications, please consult medical advice prior to use.
20gms- $10.00